Yes, this is going to be a really tall story..
Here we are going to start a story which, I am sure, will break all walls and fences and what nots of imagination..
And the best thing is that YOU TOO CAN CONTRIBUTE to this epic ! Let loose your creativity and take the story forward by telling us what you think should happen next (you can post it as a comment). Whether this story will turn out to be a tragedy, a comedy, a thriller or something which does not make any sense whatsoever- it is all upto you!! Make use of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity..Ahem...
Let this cock-and-bull story, I mean, this delightful piece of literature commence....
Chapter 1
KK: Not even leaf moved. The atmosphere was omniously still and quiet. Perfect silence ruled. But it was to be. The siesta was soon to be disturbed. She was reading a run of the mill magazine, the sorts that publishes all kinds of crap.
Cappuccino: She heard a bloodcurdling yell and the book fell out of her hand...
Latte: 'What could it be?? Could it be a ghost? Technically, they appear only during nights, don't they??..But what if they were making an exception today??Oh God! help me!' She felt herself unable to move, unable to speak, unable to think; such was her courage..And her heart beat even faster, as she watched a shadow slowly approaching the doorway...

Espresso: Ding-dong. The calling bell. Her heart raced faster. Her blood ran cold. And she was sweating profusely...
KK: She opens it slowly. There is a frantic looking young man with blood splattered on shirt. "It is an accident. Will someone drop us at the hospital?"
Cappuccino: The girl nods a 'yes' and rushes with him to the spot of the accident. She looks at the car the guy had been driving and is shocked to see what she saw inside....

Espresso: All she could see was something bundled up in a strange sort of a way. And something green and gooey oozing out of it. She screamed, but no sound escaped her throat. She wanted to run, but...
Latte: ...the man grabbed her and forced her into the car. Ann saw that he was smiling, and it was an ugly and wicked smile...The gooey thing that was at the back seat was silent and she was too scared even to take a look. As she sat there shivering, praying and hoping that it was just a very creepy nightmare, something incredible happened....
Cappuccino: The gooey green thing shrugged out of the bundle it was in and Ann stared at it. This had to be a dream, she thought and pinched herself. 'Ow' she yelped as her pinch got too strong...she stared with disgust at the strange creature which was all slimy...but she could't take her eyes off its lovely brandy brown eyes....
KK: It holds out a hair colour bottle and says," will you apply this on me. I hate this slimy green I have."
Cappuccino: Ann looks at the bottle which is as slimy as the creature itself...she takes the bottle from him and and pours out the disgusting liquid into her palm....
KK: "Poof". Lo and behold! It was none other than St. Peter sitting beside her. And Immediately the driver also changed to an angel.
Ann thought 'This is some roller coaster ride'
Ahem, says St. Peter. Actually God sent me down to canvas some good spirits. Nowadays , back in Heaven, we are facing a slump , a recession of sorts. Not many good souls come by. So I have been sent down to do some marketing. We got you as a courageous good soul to guide us around the world.
Ann was trying to think
Cappuccino: Ann looked at the driver who had changed into an angel...His shiny black hair, those dimpled cheeks, the perfect set of teeth, the high cheekbones...he was...not just handsome...he was beautiful...simply beautiful....may be it was not such a bad idea to be their guide....'yes' she said...'I will take you around the world'..and smiled enigmatically at the driver-angel......
Latte: But then, her mind was not at ease. If they were really angels, why had they not told her about their purpose of visit directly? What was the need of all the drama and scaring the hell out of her?? She was troubled, but when she once again looked at the angel sitting beside her, she pushed away all her doubts to a corner of her mind...
Cappuccino: So Ann set out on the tour with St Peter and the handsome angel. She took them to China and showed them the great wall; St Peter wandered away all by himself leaving Ann and the angel alone... Ann turned around to look at the angel who was staring at her....
KK: And she asked, "Whipi dupu stapare?
The angel looked at her blankly
Again she said, "Sepe supumthiping".
Espresso: The jaws dropped wide open. So wide, the great wall of China could go down in one gulp! The angel stuttered for a while. I'm....sorry....(he blinked his eyes) I don't think I understand, he managed to say. Ann laughed out loud. It's the 'p' language hapandsupum hupunk. Why were you staring at me like that? Once upon a time, he started.... when I was a mortal being, about 20-something, I fell in love with a girl just like you...
Latte: And then I..."He stopped abruptly as he saw St. Peter running towards them.
"Come fast guys, I think I found another one!!" St. Peter shouted from a distance.
"Maybe now is not the best time to relate the story..Some other time.." Ann felt really disappointed but followed the two angels with a curious mind, a puzzled brain and starry eyes....
KK: It was almost dusk. The great wall had few lingering tourists. In his excitement, St. Peter was almost dragging the poor angel. Ann could not keep pace. And there it was. Someone had forgotten a skate board there. ..
Cappuccino: And beside the skate board stood a lovely girl who wore a pink flowy dress with floral prints. So was she what St Peter had found? Ann shot a glance at the lovely girl and turned to look at the handsome angel who would have told her his love story if only St Peter had not come running like hell! Ann looked at the angel...he was staring at the girl...and staring would only be an understatement! Though she was wearing white Ann felt all green......
Latte: “Why is this angel staring at all the girls?? Hasn’t he seen any during his lifetime?? And this girl isn’t that beautiful... She looks just OK..” As the green monster worked furiously inside her, she failed to notice the skateboard and stepped on it and slipped…What followed was a loud THUD, a sudden roar of laughter and lots of stars and birds circling her…