It’s a question I have been asked umpteen times. And it’s a question I am not particularly fond of. No, I am not in the habit of snubbing people off but circumstances compel me to answer that particular question with my eyebrows furrowed, with a tone that comes somewhere between a snarl and an irritated shriek and a look that tells wise people to back off.
You may think I am a zombie gone paranoid. But listen to the precise way the question is framed for me. May be you will empathize.
Someone: What do you do?
Me (Creased brow, shaky voice, suspicious look): I am a copywriter
Someone (looks amused. Giggles, shows all of his/her teeth and asks as if he/she has just deciphered the Da Vinci Code), ‘Haha…You copy and write. Right?’
I am going to call him Ignorant Fool now.
Me (Takes a deep breath, smiles fake, takes a deep breath again): No. We write original copy.
Ignorant Fool: Ha Ha! Hi Hi! How can copy be original? (Another fit of laughter)
Me (Sound of my teeth cracking): I mean we write content. Content for websites, print ads, brochures or whatever.
Ignorant Fool (Slightly enlightened expression): Oh…ok…I get it now…
Me (Eyes light up): Yes…now you know! (May be I should just call him ignorant.)
Ignorant (The doubtful look is back on his face): So, it must be an easy job? Right?
Me (What-in-the-world look): Easy?! Depends on how creative you are! (May be I must stick to Ignorant Fool)
Ignorant Fool: Hahahahaahhahaahhahaa……….Oh my…haha…how can you..hahaha (He is laughing so much that he cant stop the drool drops he is spraying around)
Me (What’s-tickling-you-so-much-you-@#$%&* look): What?
Ignorant Fool: What is so…haha...creative…haha…about typing in content?
Most foolishly ignorant person on earth: Arrey! Don’t get so hyper. You should have told me earlier that you take down what is given to you and then type it on the keyboard.
Me: (Wonders if he thinks that content is self generated from the computer, before fainting and hitting the ground hard)
PS: The title is not actually about the question 'someones’, ignorants, ignorant fools or most foolishly ignorant persons on earth' have. It is the question we copywriters have: ‘What in the name of God does a copywriter do... when he/she is asked the most insulting questions about his/her profession?’
You may think I am a zombie gone paranoid. But listen to the precise way the question is framed for me. May be you will empathize.
Someone: What do you do?
Me (Creased brow, shaky voice, suspicious look): I am a copywriter
Someone (looks amused. Giggles, shows all of his/her teeth and asks as if he/she has just deciphered the Da Vinci Code), ‘Haha…You copy and write. Right?’
I am going to call him Ignorant Fool now.
Me (Takes a deep breath, smiles fake, takes a deep breath again): No. We write original copy.
Ignorant Fool: Ha Ha! Hi Hi! How can copy be original? (Another fit of laughter)
Me (Sound of my teeth cracking): I mean we write content. Content for websites, print ads, brochures or whatever.
Ignorant Fool (Slightly enlightened expression): Oh…ok…I get it now…
Me (Eyes light up): Yes…now you know! (May be I should just call him ignorant.)
Ignorant (The doubtful look is back on his face): So, it must be an easy job? Right?
Me (What-in-the-world look): Easy?! Depends on how creative you are! (May be I must stick to Ignorant Fool)
Ignorant Fool: Hahahahaahhahaahhahaa……….Oh my…haha…how can you..hahaha (He is laughing so much that he cant stop the drool drops he is spraying around)
Me (What’s-tickling-you-so-much-you-@#$%&* look): What?
Ignorant Fool: What is so…haha...creative…haha…about typing in content?
Most foolishly ignorant person on earth: Arrey! Don’t get so hyper. You should have told me earlier that you take down what is given to you and then type it on the keyboard.
Me: (Wonders if he thinks that content is self generated from the computer, before fainting and hitting the ground hard)
PS: The title is not actually about the question 'someones’, ignorants, ignorant fools or most foolishly ignorant persons on earth' have. It is the question we copywriters have: ‘What in the name of God does a copywriter do... when he/she is asked the most insulting questions about his/her profession?’
