It’s a small world. Everything and everyone is related to one another in ways more than one. Let’s just take the case of the rolling pin. Used universally in kitchens, this unassuming invention has found many uses.
For making Rotis, pancakes, etc: Very useful info, isn’t it?
As a Perfect stopper to drain cooked rice when used with a small cup.
For Getting your way:At home, you can always use this gadget to get your way. Just threaten to send as missile to anyone who has a different idea.
For the Keralite:One can always use it to push the steamed puttu out.( a delicacy steam cooked in longish container)
And for Content writing: If you are given a line like the company is into logistics, you meditate and chant the Rolling pin mantra. And lo and Behold- you have a whole page of profile ready, spread from the wisp of information.
13 Had a Cuppa:
Lol...I am very well aware of the rolling pin mantra when it comes writing. But remember, as we discussed the other day, the roti can appear with a glaring hole in the middle if the flour is not enough! ;)
Nice one KK! Cheers!
haha! Rolling pins definitely have a lot of uses, don't they?Especially liked the third use!! [Wicked laugh]
Mmmmm...interesting piece of information - esp the "perfect stopper" and "pushing the puttu out" bit...haven't tried that yet. Maybe need to check out with my maid if she's every tried that before!
You shall learn soon to create with lesser holes(gaping problems) and lesser flour(information). Practice makes the copywriter perfect.
Hope I am not hauled for inciting domestic violence
Try some stunts on own too and then show the maid
lol thats quite a rolling pin;)a gadget with muliple uses! Thanks for pointing out the uses KK, they sure would come in handy ;)
I will really be careful when i see a lady with rolling pin around!
A new beginning
Glad to give useful tips.
Yeah, they can transform to missiles anytime.
hahha..never thought someone could write a post on it..;-)
Only possible because we have the rolling pin mantra
A lovely fresh blog!!
Nice post...the third point is often used by Indian woman..and it works...lol!! U seem hav really analysed a lot on them :)
take care
Nazish Rahman
You know it too well, don't you?;)
All rolling pins don't go in the Puttu tube. Only the slender ones can do the work !!
Aye Aye Captain. Good observation:)
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