Try This

Clue: Open Up
Alphabets 5
Middle letter Y

It was another day when work was less. Recession had made us crossword enthusiasts @ But this was a bit tough.

Cappuccino: Let’s try the vowels in first cell. a, e, i, o and u. The cell remained yellow

Latte: Let’s try the other across clues

Espresso(reads): Said sheepishly 5 letters, first letter B

Latte: Must be Bleat

Cappuccino keys in l and cell shows yellow.

KK: It is Baawed

Espresso: Yeah, right

Capuccino obediently types in with Latte looking on amusedly
And Voila its right.

Rrring, the phone rings. Espresso attends while others go on pondering over the crossword

Latte: So now we have the second letter too…
Clue: Open Up
Alphabets 5
Second letter A
Middle letter Y

Everyone thinks hard but no aswers.
KK: What’s the last across? ( Reads) This and …
Latte: That

Cappuccino: So we have the last letter also H
Clue: Open Up
Alphabets 5
Second letter A
Middle letter Y
Last letter H

Espresso is done with the call of speaking to some moron and explaining to him some silly thing. She joins.
Espresso: Did you girls get it?
Cappuccino: Not yet
Latte: what’s the first across( reads) Solomon the
Cappuccino Wise

So now we have
Clue: Open Up
Alphabets 5
First letter: S
Second letter A
Middle letter Y
Last letter H

What? Disbelieving Cappuccino starts the vowel test. And it is

Cappuccino wore her classic"Don't tell me" look.
And this time too, KK missed to shoot her pose.

That was the last time we thought that Crossword helped vocabulary

7 Had a Cuppa:

Cappuccino said...

Rolling eyes...half closed eyes. Lips an immaculately straight line and a grossly funny expression. :D
You know what I am talkign about. So when you going to show me wearing my own expression? Ready with the cam? ;)

Latte said...

i wonder who creates all these crosswords...must be really hard,don't u think? hmph!

Espresso said...

I can see the jaws dropping...See they were right. When you say "Ah", your mouth really is wide open! hah, hah!!

A New Beginning said...


Anoop said...

i dint understand anythin readin this.. :((

khe khe khe...

Haf fun
Anoop ;)

angel in disguise.... said...


kk said...

A new beginning

Sayah was the word for clue Open up

angel in disguise
Can you believe it?